Monday, December 3, 2012

Diversity Event

For the diversity event I went to the lecture by Candy Crowley.  She is CNN’s chief political correspondent and was the moderator for a presidential debate for the 2012 election.  She explained how campaigns work and the process they go through.  Basically it was her stating statistics about the election with questions by the audience at the end.  Some of the information I didn’t already know so it was nice to learn something new.

Candy Crowley brought her perspective of the election, which was thought-provoking since she was involved in the election.  She talked about how unusual this election was compared to those in the past.  One of the big shockers was with the suburbs.  Usually Democrats win the city’s population vote and the Republicans win the rural vote, making the winner of the suburbs the overall winner.  In this case it was different because Romney won the suburbs, but not president.  This is where the statistics were important.  This year the ages from 19-29 voted more than in the past and over half voted for Obama.  Which was one of Obama’s biggest advantages to win president.

There were interesting parts in a not so interesting speech, I thought.  She explained what worked for each person in their campaign and how the statistics showed the difference.  Although politics come as a bore usually they are important and Candy Crowley helped the results to be a little bit more attention-grabbing. Overall it was a descent event to attend.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How I’ve Grown and What I’ve Learned

               Wow my first semester of college is coming to a close soon. Iowa State has been a great adventure so far and I’ve learned a lot to help me grow. I’ve learned the simple things around campus to life lessons.  It is fun to look back a year from now and see how much has change.

                One of the biggest changes and growing experiences is being independent. Everything is up to me now so responsibility is even bigger. I have to make sure I get up in the morning to get to class on time, staying healthy, and making decisions. With this experience I have become better at making decisions.
                One major thing that I’ve learn better is time management. There is so much to do from clubs, to going to class, to studying, to work, and of course sleeping. Also studying is a bigger issue in college. Procrastinating hurts more and that’s where time management plays a big role.
                After my first semester of college I still can stay that I have stayed with my faith. There’s a statistic that about 80% of people after going to college fall out of their faith. I’m so glad I’m not in that huge percent! In fact my faith is getting stronger as the weeks go by. Currently I’m in the Navigators and attend a local church in Ames. I’m proud that I’ve already learn how important my faith is in the past and that it keeps growing.
                Something I’ve learned is that you can learn a lot more from others than I thought. My roommate Abby is from Wyoming and she brings up random facts that I never heard of before. For example, one time she mentioned that her paper was wrinkled and went off about the humidity and stuff. I never thought of the curling of paper and wrinkles showing that it’s more humid. It makes sense I just wouldn’t think about it because I grew up as that being normal in Iowa unlike in Wyoming. Of course we learn from professors but we also learn and grow through peers.
                Honestly I’ve learned a lot at Iowa State. Some random things are don’t wear free clothes/lanyards, don’t use a map (use your phone), don’t eat everything (junk food) you want every day (yes it’s already paid for but it’s unhealthy), professors aren’t scary they want to help, watch for cars even if you have the go light to walk (you may get run over), and read the syllabi. Learning and growing is part of the college experience. After college is done I can’t wait to see the person I have become!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What does the Hixson award mean to me?

What does the Hixson award mean to me? That is a very good question, and sometimes hard to explain. It means a lot to me. In general, this award means opportunity. The opportunity to pay off college faster. The opportunity to meet new friends. The opportunity to make new social networks and meet others. The opportunity to grow as a person, personality wise and education wise. This award means opportunity because without it I wouldn't have these amazing opportunities that I do now.
            One of the best things about the Hixson award is the amount of money given. It’s half tuition for four years! That means two years of my college career are already paid for, wow. I’m the youngest of four kids and now these days college is almost a must. Therefore my parents had to help them and this scholarship makes it possible that we don’t have to worry about the debt after college as much. What an amazing feeling to have.
            Also this award gives support, more than financial support. The leaders, peers, and guest speakers all care and give advice. Through this I have made friends that I mostly likely wouldn’t have met since Iowa State is such a big school. Although with the scholarship money tutors, printing, the computer lab, and more are available for free. This award supports us in so many ways.
            Last but not least I get to say I’m one of the lucky ones to get this award! The funny story is I actually received this award on April 13th 2012…which happened to be Friday the 13th haha.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cultural Diversity

Cultural Diversity: What was your reaction to the discussion and activity Denise presented in class? How has your outlook on diversity changed from high school to now? Why is diversity important to our culture and our education?


Cultural diversity is not a new subject to me.  Throughout my years of school we have learned about it and each year during high school we had a diversity week.  During the week we have speakers come in and activities to embrace and celebrate our differences.  One day we would dress up like our heritage or wear a flag, another we would have sort of a potluck of different types of ethnic foods.  We learned that it isn't just about race, like most people think, it is so much more. 

My outlook on diversity hasn't really changed from high school to now.   I went to Waterloo East High School where it is known for the diversity, and unfortunately why it is labeled with bad reputations.  To give you an idea of the diversity I'll give a few estimated percentages: 68% Caucasian, 28% African Americans, and the rest other (Mexican, Asian, and Bosnian) with different religions and genders out of a school with a little over 800 people. The major difference between high school and now is more of a range of differences.  There are a lot more races, especially Asian, which I'm not use to, speaking other languages, and more types of religions.

Why is diversity important? It is important because the world is full of differences causing the diversity and it is important to understand the differences, but also embrace them.  Diversity relates to people more and more as we get older.  If we don't understand it now it could possibly hurt us later in life.  It is seen in education, work, and daily out on the streets.  Diversity isn't the problem, the problem is when the differences aren't understood and accepted between people.  Some of my friends couldn't be more different from me sometimes, but that's what makes us friends.  To lighten the mood from a serious topic I have added a picture of two of my best friends, one being African American and the other Korean.

"Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honouring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities." (Unknown)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Social Media

For Social Media Week I decided to create my own website.  While I was creating the website I found out that it took a lot of information to start.  I realized that I could go on and on about my high school accomplishments but I'm in college now.  I learned that it's time to have more experiences to learn and make more accomplishments.  One thing I knew before hand is that I don't like to talk about myself but I realized that this is a website for possible future employers and I need to show them who I am.  So after creating my website I know that it is time to create my college experiences.

Social media has become a powerful thing, especially lately.  Today it's almost odd not to have a facebook.  Now recently others have and are being popular like facebook, for example twitter, instagram, and pinterest.  As each one of the types of social media grows so do the amount of people who get involved in them.  This is why social media can help people connect more, not just friends and family but also future employers.  Social media allows the ability to make connections, that were unheard of in the past, to help with the future and reaching goals.

The articles over social media were entertaining.  It surprised me how fast social media has grown and all the connections you can make by using it.  The articles emphasized how many people can see what you put online and the important of how you present yourself.  I myself didn't think about my twitter name until recently.  I let my friends create my account and was know as @heather_swag on twitter.  This being an example of one of the twitter names that wouldn't be the best for people, especially future employers, to know me by.  I have changed it but the lesson for the day is don't let your friends create your social media accounts.

If you'd like to see my website it is but remember it's always developing or you can follow my new and improved twitter @HeatherOBrien_.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


My personality type for MBTI is ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging).  After taking this survey I learned what my type of personality is.  Although I know what I am like I have never put it on paper. 
Introversion...I definately am a better worker if I'm by myself because that way I don't get distracted by others or other things.  I don't always like to be alone but it's best if I'm studying.
Sensing...I like to know what I'm doing before I get into it.  I like step-by-step processes and like to pay attention to detail almost to the point of perfection.
Feeling...I care for others a lot, whether I know them personally or not.  I tend to think more what's best for people rather than facts. I discovered after this test how great others are to me.  It has shown over the years through volunteer work and my everyday life, I just never paid attention to it because that's just the way I am.
Judging...This category was the one for me I could jump over to perceiving sometimes.  However, I do try to be organized and plan things because it works best for me but I also like doing things that aren't planed to keep life exciting.

These four characteristics describe me perfectly therefore I wasn't too surprised about my results.  These results relate to my goals because now that I have noticed them I need to apply them to achieve my goals in the best way.  When it comes down to it I might have to separate myself from others for studying and make sure I plan it out in a schedule since that's how I'll do my best. This survey made me become aware of how I am and how others are compared to me.  Some are very similar and some of us are complete opposites.  Whatever the results it shows us our personality and I'm proud to be an ISFJ type of person. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Bucket List

While at Iowa State I want to...

1. Find out what I want to do with my life.  Sometimes I can be very indecisive and I don't like that too much.  Right now I have no clue what I want to major in or a career for me.  Therefore I would like to figure it out, the sooner the better.

2. Graduate in 4 years.  Since I can be indecisive I don't want that to be who I am the rest of my life.  I want to figure out what's best for me and graduate in 4 years.  I know it could be hard but that won't stop me from trying to reach it.

3. Get good grades.  I would like to have a 3.0 or higher at ISU and not fail (or drop too late) any classes.

4. Win an intramural shirt.  I love sports and would like to win at least one shirt in the next 4 years.

5. Study abroad.  I think it would be a great experience to get to study abroad.  Currently I'm thinking Spain.

6. Go to at least one home game of every sport. Also, rush the field in the Jack Trice Stadium after a huge game that we win. Maybe the Iowa State vs. Iowa game next year? :)

7. Go to one dance a year and be kissed under the camponile at midnight.

8. Make life long friends, whether it be one or a hunderd.

After college I want to...

9. Find the perfect job for myself and get my student debt paid for in a few years or less.

10. The American Dream.  I would like a wonderful loving husband, a few kids, and a house with a white picket fence.

11. After I get married I would like to revisist ISU and bring my husband so he can see (if he didn't go here) where I lived for 4 years.  Also take a stroll around the lake, even though I would already know by then that it was true love.

12. Go outside the United States (Besides studying abroad the first time). I would like to experience and see what the world has to offer.  I would like for my family to be able to come with so I'm with loved ones and so they can have the same experience.

13. Go on another missions trip.  I like helping others and going on a missions trip I get to do that and also grow closer with God. Also I'd like to introduce someone to God and Christianity, doesn't have to be on the trip.  One more is I'd like to read the whole Bible through.

14. When I get old I want to be the neighbor grandma/mom/friend figure that people/kids can come to me for advice. With maybe the occasional homemade cookies.

15. Finish my bucket list and add more to it for an amazing life.